Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Snuggie Chronicles

I'm not really sure what made the Snuggie such a huge hit this past Holiday season, but there has certainly been some recent activity involving this overly-advertised, abomination of couture.

First there was the WTF Blanket video that garnered national attention thanks to the media's complete lack of reporting on anything with substance. (I'm still a little pissed about all the media attention on the Phelps smoking and Oprah's weight's not news people!!!)

Now, it seems a bunch of people have devised a way to raise money for charity while wearing these fleece hospital gowns and drinking themselves into oblivion by participating in a Snuggie Pub Crawl in NYC this spring.

Now, don't get me wrong...I'm down with a good ol' fashion pub crawl and if you can raise some money for charity, so much the better. What better way to show your support than by going out on the razz and getting completely faced. But what has me particularly perplexed by this event is the Snuggie requirement.

At first I wondered, "are the sellers of the Snuggie suffering from lower sales due to the downturn in the economy and thought this may be a great way to boost sales and raise their karma factor by donating pub crawl proceeds?" But, that simply can't be!

With more people jobless, sitting at home typing out resumes, jockeying the remote and unable to pay heating bills...selling an oversized, fleece Jesus robe is almost like exploiting the current economic status. It's almost too easy! This thing should be selling itself.

So, I'm left with only one other explanation to this seemingly asinine event. Someone got a Snuggie as a gift over the holidays and it's been sitting in its original packaging, taking up valuable space in some icebox of a closet; and in a valiant effort to gain some use out of this product and validate the storing of it for several months...said someone thought, "Hey, there are others like me. Other people who live with the guilt of not using a crappy Holiday gift. There has to be a way to end this grief I endure every time I open my closet door."

And thus, the Snuggie Bar Crawl was born.

If you plan on participating and making a complete ass out of yourself for a good all means, go for is for charity after all and that's a good thing. I just hope you'll send me some pictures.

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